The Philippine Cultural Foundation, Inc. (PCFI) is a 501 (c)(3), non-profit umbrella organization for Filipino-American organizations based in the Tampa Bay Area in Florida. The Foundation aims to preserve and present Philippine heritage and culture as its legacy for future generations and to contribute to the diversity of this region and the State of Florida.
PCFI is located at the Bayanihan Arts and Events Center at 14301 Nine Eagles Drive, Tampa, FL 33626.
Bahay Kubo
PCFI’s effort to construct a Bahay Kubo (also known as Nipa Hut) at the Philippine Village in Tampa, Florida.
Barrio Fiesta
PAAT, in cooperation with PCFI, brings you Barrio Fiesta and Santacruzan at the Bayanihan Arts and Events Center.
MTDA Program
PCFI’s Philippine Music, Theater, Dance and Art Program for sharing Philippine culture with the community.
The biggest Philippine festival in Florida as the PCFI brings you PhilFest every spring.
Christmas celebrated in the Tampa Bay Area, Filipino-style held at the Bayanihan Arts and Events Center.
Sampaguita Ball
PCFI’s major fundraising event for the foundation’s cultural programs held during the fall.