Barangay Rehearsal Hall Project

The Philippine Cultural Foundation, Inc. is asking for a Cultural Facilities Support Grant from the Florida Department of State Division of Arts and Culture to renovate the Barangay Pavilion, one of its open pavilions at the Philippine Cultural Enrichment Complex in Tampa, Florida into an enclosed rehearsal hall/ class room for use of its four resident performing groups. The Barangay Rehearsal Hall as it will be named, with an estimated cost of $450,000, will have wooden floors, built-in storage for costumes and props, restrooms, and break room to accommodate the much-needed needs of students, volunteer performers and staff members of the Foundation’s cultural programs. Project completion is 2024.
The building, rendered by Architect Mike Calvino of Calvino Architecture Studio in Tampa, Florida, has been designed to have Philippine architectural touches like glazed capiz windows to match the structural design of the other structures in the complex like the Bahay Kubo (traditional Philippine Bamboo House) which houses traditional Philippine furniture and is being used to house language classes. Since the structure is at ground-level, Barangay Rehearsal Hall will be accessible via wheelchair and will have ADA-compliant hardwood dance flooring. There will also be wall-to-wall storage areas for props, costumes, and equipment. Restrooms and a small kitchenette will also be included in the structure, as well as additional exit door on the structure’s west wall.

The renovation process has been designed to make efficient use and reuse of the already existing pavilion to minimize cost. At present, the Barangay Pavilion is only composed of a concrete foundation, metal roofing and steel posts.

The newly renovated Barangay Hall will be ADA compliant so it can also be accessed by people with disability. The hall is designed to be energy efficient – it allows for natural light to come in and LEED and Energy Star certified fixtures will be installed from lighting, refrigeration and even air conditioning.
What is it for?
The main goal of the project is to add more rehearsal and dedicated classroom space for use of the cultural projects of the Philippine Cultural Foundation, Inc. This project is geared more to protect not only valuable musical instruments, traditional costumes, props and equipment but to protect the health of students, volunteers performers and staff members who are constantly exposed to heat, cold and rain while attending cultural classes out in the open. These include classes and rehearsals of the Musikong Kawayan Bamboo Ensemble, Philippine Performing Arts Company, Inc., Philippine Choral Group, Indak Pambata, ARTE Painting Classes, Language Courses and many more.

How can you help?
PCFI is looking for generous supporters who could help us realize this project. If you are willing to help the Foundation achieve this, kindly download the pledge form or fill out the Barangay Rehearsal Hall Pledge Form below to let us know how much you can commit to the project.
You can send your donation through the following:
Please send your donations to the Philippine Cultural Foundation, Inc. at 14301 Nine Eagles Drive, Tampa FL 33626. Please write “Barangay Rehearsal Hall” in the annotation.
Credit Card
Please call us at (813) 925-1232 to call in your credit card donation. Sorry, we do not have online payment system at this time.
Please bring cash donations to our office at the Bayanihan Arts and Events Center located at 14301 Nine Eagles Drive, Tampa FL 33626.
Your tax-deductible donation will be much appreciated! Thank you for your support!
Barangay Rehearsal Hall Renovation Project Pledge Form