PhilFest 2022 Entertainment Schedule

Here is the Entertainment Schedule for PhilFest 2022. Please come back often to see the latest schedule updates.
5:00 PM | ABA-The Man with the Thousand Voices [Sinagtala Theater]
House music and entertainment, compliments of Fr. Christian “Aba” Villagomeza, PhilFest 2022’s official DJ
5:45 PM | Announcements and Games [Sinagtala Theater]
Announcements, Games, and Free Give-aways
6:15 PM | Welcome Remarks
PhilFest 2022 Chairman, Ross Balderama and PCFI Chairman 2020-2022 and PhilFest co-chair, Lari Peterson officially welcome all guests and participants at PhilFest 2022.
6:30 PM | Tallahassee Community College Dance Company [Sinagtala Theater]
Tallahassee Community College Dance Company performs contemporary Dances with a touch of Filipino choreographed by Professor- Choreographer Aurora Hansen
6:45 PM | Presentation of Ms/Mrs PhilFest 22 Participants [Sinagtala Theater]
Presentation of the “Ms./Mrs. PhilFest 2022” organization representatives competing for the “Mrs. PhilFest 2022” title
7:15 PM | Cultural Night [Sinagtala Theater]
Presented by the Philippine Choral Group, Musikong Kawayan Bamboo Ensemble and the Philippine Performing Arts Company, Inc., this segment paints Philippine scenes through music and dance as arranged and composed by Nhick Ramiro Pacis and directed by Connie Chanrasmi and Joey Omila
8:00 PM | Tawag ng Tanghalan 2022 [Sinagtala Theater]
Singing competition for adults with E-MC, DJ Tara and DJ Johnie. Special participation by Tawag ng Tanghalan 2016 winner, Rechemae Baguio.
11:00 PM PhilFest Closes
10:00 AM | ABA-The Man with the Thousand Voices [Sinagtala Theater]
The music and the voice of “ABA – The Man with a Thousand Voices”
10:00 AM | Philippine Cultural Exhibit [Bayanihan Arts and Events Center]
Visit the Philippine Cultural Exhibit designed by Joey Omila at the Bayanihan Arts and Events Center
10:30 AM | Announcements and Games [Sinagtala Theater]
Announcements, Games, and Free Give-aways with emcee E-MC
10:45 AM | Neils Gang Band [Sinagtala Theater]
performing at the PhilFest Stage for the first time.
11:30 AM | Victory Martial Arts[Sinagtala Theater]
Martial Arts exhibition presented by Victory Martial Arts from Clearwater, FL
11:45 AM | PACO Dancers [Sinagtala Theater]
Philippine Folk Dances by the Philippine American Cultural Organization Dancers from Tampa, FL
12:00 PM | Tallahassee Community College Dance Company [Sinagtala Theater]
Tallahassee Community College Dance Company performs contemporary ballet with a touch of Philippine dances choreographed by Professor Aurora Hansen.
12:15 PM | Asher Ray [Sinagtala Theater]
A special number by the fabulous Asher Rae
12:30 PM | KATHERINE ESTRADA AND FRIENDS [Sinagtala Theater]
Fusion Dance “My Universe” by Katherine Estrada and Friends
12:45 PM | 4EVER40 Sisterhood [Sinagtala Theater]
“Balagtasan” and “Famous Women in Philippine History” by the 4Ever40 Sisterhood, a non-profit organization for empowering women and children through education.
1:00 PM | Philippine Amateur Ballroom Dancers [Sinagtala Theater]
Philippine Amateur Ballroom Dancers pay tribute to the late Oscar Santos
1:15 PM | Tawag ng Tanghalan 2022 Winner [Sinagtala Theater]
“Tawag ng Tanghalan 2022” winner performs at the PhilFest stage.
1:30 PM | Ovations Dance Academy of Tampa [Sinagtala Theater]
OVATIONS DANCE ACADEMY OF TAMPA students perform promotes their upcoming shows at the Bayanihan Arts & Events Center and other venues in the Tampa Bay Area
1:45 PM | 3 Generations of Zumba [Sinagtala Theater]
Mother, daughter and grand daughter – 3 generations with a goal to make fitness fun! Everyone is welcome to enjoy getting fit while having fun. Just follow along and let the rhythm get you!
2:00 PM | Tallahassee Community College Dance Company [Bayanihan Arts and Events Center]
Tallahassee Community College Dance Company performs contemporary ballet with a touch of Philippine dances choreographed by Professor Aurora Hansen. This performance will be held at the Bayanihan Arts and Events Center.
2:00 PM | Philippine Performing Arts Company, Inc. and Indak Pambata [Sinagtala Theater]
Philippine dances by the Philippine Perfrming Arts Company, Inc. and Indak Pambata
2:30 PM | Kristine Paradero [Sinagtala Theater]
Broadway and pop selections by Disney and Universal performer, Kristine Paradero
2:45 PM | KSC and BAC [Sinagtala Theater]
Dance number by the Kagayanons of Southern California (KSC) and Bukidnon Association of California (BAC)
3:00 PM | PhilFest Goes Latin [Sinagtala Theater]
Latin dances by May Golez, Dan McGraw and friends.
3:30 PM | Don Bronto: Tribute to Filipino and American Veterans [Sinagtala Theater]
4:00 PM | Getting to Know the Ms/Mrs PhilFest 2022 Candidates [Sinagtala Theater]
Interviews with the Ms/Mrs PhilFest 2022 Candidates
4:30 PM | Flores de PhilFest Parade [PhilFest Grounds]
GRAND FLORES DE PHILFEST PARADE from members of the Philippine community of Tampa Bay and Ms/Mrs PhilFest 2021-2022 contestants, “Pride of Florida” titled pageant winners, with special participation of Ms PhilFest 2019-2021 JOANNA KATRINA MORATA as the main Reyna Elena.
5:00 PM | Philippine Cultural Exhibit Closes [Bayanihan Arts and Events Center]
The Philippine Cultural Exhibit at the Bayanihan Arts and Events Center closes for the day.
5:30 PM | Philippine Performing Arts Company, Inc. Alumni [Sinagtala Theater]
“Pagapir-Singkil” dances of the Maranao’s of Mindanao by the PHILIPPINE PERFORMING ARTS COMPANY, INC. ALUMNI
5:45 PM | Philippine Choral Group [Sinagtala Theater]
Philippine songs presented by the Philippine Choral Group
6:00 PM | Musikong Kawayan Bamboo Ensemble [Sinagtala Theater]
Philippine and world songs presented by the Musikong Kawayan Bamboo Ensemble
6:15 PM | DJ Tara [Sinagtala Theater]
Special guest performance of Hong Kong American Idol Winner the sensational voice of “TENG MADRIGAL” alias DJ TARA!
6:30 PM | TFC Hour [Sinagtala Theater]
TFH Hour with Yam Concepcion with the participation of DJ Tara and the Fiesta mo sa USA 2022 “Pageant for a Cause” candidates. Brought to you by The Filipino Channel.
7:30 PM | Revolution 2022 [Sinagtala Theater]
Revolution 2022 Yout Night and Dance Competition hosted by Kamille Janess, Jonathan Sibayan and Christian Alfaro.
11:00 PM | PhilFest closes
PhilFest 2019 Entertainment Schedule is tentative. Please come back often to see the latest updates. Thank you!
9:00 AM | Holy Mass [Sinagtala Theater]
PhilFest opens for those who would like to attend a Sunday Holy Mass on site.
10:00 AM | Philippine Cultural Exhibit [Bayanihan Arts and Events Center]
Visit the Philippine Cultural Exhibit designed by Joey Omila at the Bayanihan Arts and Events Center
10:30 AM | Announcements and Games [Sinagtala Theater]
Announcements, Games, and Free Give-aways with emcee E-MC
10:45 AM | Troublemakerz Band [Sinagtala Theater]
Dance to the music of Troublemakerz band from Sarasota, FL
11:45 AM | 3 Generations of Zumba [Sinagtala Theater]
Mother, daughter and grand daughter – 3 generations with a goal to make fitness fun! Everyone is welcome to enjoy getting fit while having fun. Just follow along and let the rhythm get you!
12:00 NOON | Philippine Choral Group [Sinagtala Theater]
Philippine songs presented by the Philippine Choral Group
12:15 PM | Philippine Performing Arts Company, Inc. Alumni [Sinagtala Theater]
Philippine Folk Dances with the Philippine Performing Arts Company, Inc.
12:30 PM | Tallahassee Community College Dance Company [Sinagtala Theater]
Tallahassee Community College Dance Company performs contemporary ballet with a touch of Philippine dances choreographed by Professor Aurora Hansen.
1:00 PM | Tanghalang Pambata 2022 [Sinagtala Theater]
Talent competition for Children with guest, Caylee Rudolf, Tanghalang Pambata 2021 winner.
2:00 PM | Yugyugan 2022 [PhilFest Grounds]
“YUGYUGAN” street parade participated by all the Philippine organizations of Tampa Bay and surrounding cities! Public is welcome to join and dance in the parade.
3:00 PM | Ang Bisaya of Florida [Sinagtala Theater]
Dance number by members of the Ang Bisaya of Florida in Tampa.
3:15 PM | Musikong Kawayan Bamboo Ensemble [Sinagtala Theater]
Philippine and world songs presented by the Musikong Kawayan Bamboo Ensemble
3:30 PM | Julienne Sta Ana [Sinagtala Theater]
The sensational voice of Julienne Sta Ana
4:00 PM | Philippine Fashion Show 2021 [Sinagtala Theater]
A Philippine Fashion Show presented by the Philippine Performing Arts Company and guests’ models from the Philippine community.
4:30 PM | Ms/Mrs PhilFest 2022 [Sinagtala Theater]
Final presentation of Ms/Mrs PhilFest 2022 candidates followed by Ms/Mrs PhilFest 2022 Parade
5:00 PM | Raffle Drawing and Announcement of Winners [Sinagtala Theater]
Raffle Drawing and Announcement of Ms/Mrs PhilFest 2022 Winners
5:00 PM | Philippine Cultural Exhibit Closes [Bayanihan Arts and Events Center]
The Philippine Cultural Exhibit at the Bayanihan Arts and Events Center closes for the day.
6:00 PM PhilFest 2022 officially closes
…but watch out for PhilFest 2023 on March 31 to April 2, 2023. Mark your calendars and see you there!
Thank you for coming to PhilFest 2022!